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Prager GW, Oehler L, Gerger A, Mlineritsch B, Andel J, Petzer A, Wilthoner K, Sliwa T, Pichler P, Winder T, Heibl S, Gruenberger B, Laengle F, Hubmann E, Korger M, Pecherstorfer M, Djanani A, Neumann HJ, Philipp-Abbrederis K, Wöll E, Trondl R, Arnold-Schrauf C, Eisterer W.

Comparison of nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine in elderly versus younger patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer: Analysis of a multicentre, prospective, non-interventional study.

Eur J Cancer. 2020 Dec 6;143:101-112.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejca.2020.11.003. Epub ahead of print. (Siehe „Acknowledgements section“)

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Dejaco D., Bocian-Sobkowska J., Szymański W., Zacke G., Höckner V., Riechelmann H.

Tavipec® in acute rhinosinusitis: a multi-centre, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial

Rhinology 2019, 57: 5, 367-374
DOI: 10.4193/Rhin19.089 (Siehe „Acknowledgements section“)

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Kähler C., Derezinski T., Bocian-Sobkowska J., Keckeis A., Zacke G.

Spicae aetheroleum in uncomplicated acute bronchitis: a double-blind, randomised clinical trial.

Wien Med Wochenschr (2019) 169:137–148.
DOI: 10.1007/s10354-017-0612-0 (Siehe „Acknowledgement section“)

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Trimmel H., Majdan M., Wodak A., Herzer G., Csomor D., Brazinova A.

Citicoline in severe traumatic brain injury: indications for improved outcome : A retrospective matched pair analysis from 14 Austrian trauma centers.

Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2018 Jan;130(1-2):37-44. (epub ahead of print)
DOI: 10.1007/s00508-017-1240-9 (Siehe „Acknowledgement section“)

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Willenbacher E., Willenbacher W., Gunsilius E.

Sustained response to single agent therapy with continuous lenalidomide in a pre-treated high-risk multiple myeloma patient.

Memo – Magazine of European Medical Oncology 2012;5:27-29.
DOI: 10.1007/s12254-012-0345-0 (Siehe „Acknowledgement section“)

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Skrabs C, Sillaber C, Schiefer AI, Simonitsch-Klupp I, Staudinger T, Putman M, Rabitsch W, Jaeger U

Lenalidomide induced response in a patient with follicular lymphoma of the skin and an anti-rituximab-antibody.

Memo – Magazine of European Medical Oncology 2013;6:123-126.
DOI: 10.1007/s12254-013-0089-5 (Siehe „Acknowledgement section“)


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Scherl M*, Posch U*, Obermoser G, Ammann C, Sepp N, Ulmer H, Dierich MP, Stoiber H, Falkensammer B.

* MS and UP contributed equally to the work

Targeting human immunodeficiency virus type 1 with antibodies derived from patients with connective tissue disease.

Lupus. 2006;15:865-872.
DOI: 10.1177%2F0961203306071405

Mueller T, Posch UC, Lindner HH.

Separation of phenylthiohydantoin amino acids by capillary electrochromatography.

Electrophoresis. 2004 Feb;25:578-585.
DOI: 10.1002/elps.200305704


Gapp Guenther,

Practical Applications and Benefits of Sterile Product Compliance Risk Assessments and Case Studies.

2017 PDA Annual Meeting, April 3-5, Anaheim, CA

Gapp Guenther,

Aseptic processing hot top from the view of a senior QA microbiologist and practical experiences in usage of sterile risk assessment tools.

2015 PDA Annual Meeting, March 16-18, Las Vegas, Nevada

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